Home, when my heart is elsewhere.

This thing we call home is a strange and absurd place. The clothes are looser, people wear makeup instead of caking on sunscreen, and peddling is not the primary source of mobility. I’m having a hard time figuring out what to do with myself, so I’m starting with as little as possible. In a phase: I miss the team. I geared up to go on a ride this afternoon and then ditched the spandex in favor of a nap. I’m afraid of riding alone I think.

I’ve been home for 24 hours, but even this home is different because for the past four years I have called Redding home. The fact that I will not be returning in the fall is finally starting to set in, and it’s not an easy process. The quiet of the house today was much unlike the quiet I experienced on the ride; it was both relaxing and daunting, but it won’t last long. My family always has a plethora activities and events to attend and I’ll be busy starting tomorrow.

This trip has had an individual effect on all of us, and I know that this trip has helped me find the person that I always was, but couldn’t always be before this adventure. We did not raise ridiculously large sums of money, but we provided an opportunity for small, and seemingly forgotten churches to get active in a global church mission. I met the hands and feet of the body of Christ and I have never seen limbs that were more beautiful.

Before this trip I had few positive feelings about the evangelical church and the United States as a nation, but after this trip I can actually say that I’m proud to be both, with a bit fewer reservations. We are still lacking in so many ways, but now I have hope. I saw the generosity and the potential for change and a growing awareness for the Christian’s role in speaking out for and with those we have silenced in the name of convenience. Will we ever arrive at perfection? Probably not, but am I more motivated to learn and teach others about true discipleship and service? Yes indeedy.

No matter where we are on the line of orthodoxy (right teaching) and orthopraxy (right action) there will be those who approve and those who disapprove. But I have found a renewed love for scripture and a reason to wrestle with it until the Holy Spirit moves me forward (prior to this trip I got over a very tiresome battle with the book of Matthew). I am in awe of the simplicity of faith and the complexity of living righteously in a world gripped by evils I can barely imagine.

Adulthood for me is the first step into a tough world, but now I’m prepared and determined to live counter-culturally, endeavoring to bring grace to all situations and to continually humble myself. I will struggle with pride, so pray that I will be a peacemaker, poor in spirit, and utterly dependent upon the strength of the Lord.

His joy and grace compel us onward into a lifestyle of charity. This trip is a short-term experience, and meant as a catalyst to a full-time occupation of discipleship and service. May we be the change we desperately long to see in ourselves and in our world.

Peace and Bike Grease,

Emelia ,The Earth Muffin

3 Responses

  1. Beautifully said Emelia.
    Love you,

  2. Nolan sat down with us for over 4 hours, with his pictures, videos and his memories after he came home. One thing rang true throughout, you were a great team leader. Over and over, he spoke of you with love and respect. He is really sad that you have graduated and he won’t have the ease of seeing you at school. Well, that is his personal challenge to keep up with the entire team that helped change his life. Thank-you for Nolan’s Mom for your heart, courage and love.

  3. “heart, courage, love” in action!

    I knew this day would come, but I didn’t know what it would look like. I knew that one day you would do a work that would satisify…….even your own stringent requirement for pure service. And I knew that one day you would be the next link in the family chain that puts social justice ahead of self, and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, would find your way in this world. You have come out of the gate (graduation) in an alarming sprint in a race that never ends, on a course that demands results. In Nashville you crossed one finish line, but the race goes on. I have no doubt that you will continue to run your race as though the prize was indeed worth it.

    Your character, leadership, and heart have expressed themselves in this trip in ways that were only shadow’s before. It’s wonderful to see you come out of the shadows and emerge into the bright world without blinking,squinting, or retreating. I truly admire your strength and bravery.

    This is the Emelia I have known since birth. This is the leader that has been evolving since you could move. This is one woman who won’t settle for a purposeless life of self-indulgence (but who will sit down, now and again, for a sensible rest.) This is someone who will make a difference in her world, and who won’t be satisfied unless the whole world IS her world; at least in some way. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

    Well done, good and faithful servant…..today…… and I’m expecting that tomorrow will show more of the same.

    PS. I’m so glad your home for a spell !!!!!!

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