Our Mission

Know, Act, Love

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. –Matthew 25:35
Dear Friends and Family,

Let me begin by asking you to look around wherever you are currently reading this letter. Now, consider how many ways you might access clean water. How many faucets, hoses, and water bottles are within several feet of your location? The average African walks at least four hours a day to get water and it is generally of a very poor quality and the cause of pervasive disease—it is estimated that 80% of disease in developing countries is due to bad water. It is also necessary for those with HIV and AIDS to have access to clean water to receive treatment and remain as healthy as possible. It is easy to take a glass of water for granted, but according to recent statistics 300 million people (half of Africa’s total population) lack access to safe drinking water (UN).

The solution to this problem does not require our presence but our support. Blood:Water Mission, an established charity organization, is endeavoring to partner with 1,000 villages in order to bring clean water and clean blood across the continent. The mission of this project according to their website states, “Blood:Water Mission is partnering with groups and individuals to empower Africans to build healthier communities through sustainable clean blood and clean water solutions, while developing social responsibility in the U.S. through initiatives that provoke personal engagement and ownership.” The equation is simple: $1 provides fresh water for one African for one year.

From June to mid-July, Simpson University’s Wheels for Wells team, will cycle from coastal Florence, Oregon to Nashville, Tennessee. Through conversations, presentations, and the sheer audacity of riding our bikes over 3,000 miles we hope to educate and advocate for clean water in Africa. We ask that you would consider partnering with us in our effort to put love into action.

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